Wednesday, July 28, 2010

2 year old pics

So, Berklie's second birthday has come and gone, and it just doesn't seem like she should be 2!!! It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant with her. She has accomplished A TON of stuff this summer! Here are just a few things -

1. She is potty trained! YEA!!!!
2. It has been 3 days since she has had her paci! (For those of you who know Berklie, you also know that she is VERY....VERY....VERY.... attached to her "Papi"! So, this is a HUGE...HUGE step for her!)
3. She can ride her tricycle that mimi and papa got her for her bday.
4. She has gotten a "little better" about not throwing fits.
5. She still climbs on EVERYTHING! The higher the better. (She is climbing on the end table as I type, and just jumped off onto the love to love her!)
6. Can count to 10.
7. Can say her ABC's.
8. Knows all of her colors.
9. Knows several songs - Twinkle, twinkle. If your happy and you know it. Old McDonald, The Choo-Choo Soul abc song, etc.
10. She is now in her "Big-Girl" bed.
11. Has discovered the TV! She LOVES the Mickey Mouse Club, Dora the Explorer, and Yo Gabba Gabba!

At her two year check it, she was in tip top shape! The doctor was impressed with her vocabulary and her knowledge of everything. When I told her that she knows her ABC's, can count to 10, knows her colors and all of her body parts, she said, "That is wonderful. You're telling me what most moms tell me at the 4 year check up." I thought to myself WOW!!! I knew she was smart, but I thought that was just me being partial because she's mine. But, I guess not! So, hopefully she'll keep progressing intellectually and physically, and be a smart, healthy, beautiful girl! At her check up her stats were:
Height - 36 in. - 96th percentile (That's already 3 feet tall!!!! Crazy!)
Weight - 26.8 lbs - 50th percentile
Head Circumference - 80th percentile (she still needs to grow into it a

Everyone always thinks she is older than what she is, because of her height and her vocab. Gets kind of annoying when I say she is only two, and they so now way. Yes way! She's just a tall smart baby.

Below are some of her 2 year old pics that I took. IT was much harder this year than last to chance her down, but I think we got a few cute ones. Enjoy! I'll post party pics later on. (If you can't tell, we had a Minnie Party and this is the little dress she wore. She also had on bloomers with a Minnie head and her name embroidered on them...they were super cute!)

Sweet girl.


She looking into the sun...looks mad.

She's making them!

Our Little Miss Blue Eyes!


Momma and Daddy's LITTLE ANGEL!

This one is my favorite!

To my Bitty Girl,

I love you Berklie Faith more than you'll ever know, and look forward to many more years to watch you grow! MUAH!

xoxox Love you always - Momma

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