Sunday, September 26, 2010

Berklie having some fall fun!

Berklie has been so good lately and she loves being outside, so I told her I'd take her to the park. I have been wanting to start taking her on a regular basis, but it has been sooooo hot here! But today the weather was PERFECT! It felt like a wonderful fall day! So, after breakfast and a relaxing day around the house we loaded up and went to the park. She had a blast and I had a great time watching her! Hopefully with the weather getting cooler we can start going more often. Enjoy the pics!


All smiles and having fun!

Most two year olds would have seen this and ran the other way......

Not Berklie...she conquered it!
Not to mention counting the stairs the whole way up!

Little hiker!

"Look, mom, no hands!"

My prissy little lady!

Always climbing and always soooooo curious!

Momma with her Bitty Girl!

What a cutie!

Look at this little dare devil!

1 comment:

The Cleavelin Chronicles said...

Such a fun age, even if it's still called "terrible 2's"! I think Berklie favors you more now than when she was younger. We are FINALLY getting fall weather down here, thank goodness! What will Berklie be for Halloween this year?!?