Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

So I am a little late, but here are pictures from Berklie's 1st fourth of July! On the 3rd we went to my Uncle and Aunt's house to swim and cookout. I took my camera, but I never got it out. I was too worried about all the kids in the pool - talk about STRESSFUL! Everyone had a good time though and we got to visit with that we haven't seen in a while. Berklie swam and swam some more and she and Hailey even got to ride a horse! Anyways it was a blast!

Then on the 4th, Flint, the kids, and I went out to Wills Point to his parent's house to cookout. It was relaxing and we ate waaayyyyy too much! That usually seems to happen when we cookout! LOL! After that we all came back into Terrell to watch the fireworks show. I think it was better than last year, but maybe it was because Berklie liked it. She just sat in my lap and looked. It was so cute - when they would go off she would reach up in the sky and try to touch them. It was so funny! I think she had a pretty good Fourth of July weekend! Here are some pictures - enjoy!

Berklie and Hailey after they went swimming on the 4th.

This is a little play kitchen at my in-laws that Berklie loves - needless to say she was stuck in the picture! It was too funny - I had Braughn run and go get the camera! She was not a happy camper!

"Little Miss America"

Proud to be an American!

Berklie with Momma!

Berklie with Justin - she is getting to where she is trying to say his name rather than "Bubba."
It's cute!

They shoot the fireworks from a park in Terrell, but a lot of the people sit in a parking lot of this shopping center for the view. That explains why Berklie is in the shopping cart. Here she is laughing at Grandma.

Here we are watching the fireworks.
It can't get much better than this!

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